Keltec Engineering Ltd is a company specialising in the design and manufacture of cutting edge machinery for agricultural and industrial industries.
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+353 (0) 639 86 88

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Keltec Engineering have been innovating and designing quality machinery and bespoke industrial equipment for over 30 years. Our products are designed with the end user in mind.
Click for more information about current and past projects. We at Keltec are CE accredited.
Keltec provides a wide range of design, development
and manufacturing services – from concept development to volume manufacture.
Since our foundation in 1988, Keltec has diversified from agricultural based products into products for the construction, water treatment and horticultural industries. Our ability to develop new products that benefit clients in terms of increased productivity and significant cost savings, have established us
as a unique engineering company in Ireland. We have gained a reputation of exceptional reliability and quality which we aim to retain and improve. Keltec personnel have built up a high level of expertise in custom design and are currently involved in various research and development projects for the construction and food sectors.