With over 30 years of experience, Keltec has an excellent reputation when it comes to producing high-quality long-lasting products. We have installed a number of Clarifiers across Ireland, all still in use today.
Keltec Clarifiers are designed to be efficient sludge treatment and water recovery systems while keeping maintenance levels low. Our clarifiers remove sludge and floating particles from circular tanks in both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
Wastewater enters the tank through a central cylinder which spreads the liquid. The heavier sludge settles at the bottom of the tank while the scum and other light particles float to the surface.
The slowly rotating bridge has two scrapers, the first is at the bottom of the tank and guides the sludge into the central sump. The second is a surface scraper that gathers the floating particles and pushes them into the scum box.
Product Features
- rotating bridge,
- scrapers,
- weirs,
- diffusion drum,
- all ancillary equipment to completely fill out the clarifier assemble.
- These can be supplied in both galvanized or stainless steel.